From credit card card information to comparison! Is this your first time issuing a credit card? Want to get a credit card, but don’t know about the benefits? Do not worry! In the app, you can get information about credit cards such as credit card basic information, card recommendations by field, card recommendations by age, and credit card income deduction, as well as card recommendations and benefit comparison! Easily check your credit card information without complicated searches!◎ Basic credit card information- From A to Z about credit card issuance! You can easily check the advantages of credit cards, how to choose a credit card, and how to issue a credit card! Find out more about credit cards in the app right now!◎ Comparison of credit card benefits- If you’re curious about the benefits of each credit card, don’t worry. Instead of having to search for each card for a long time, you can compare credit card benefits by major benefit at a glance in the app! Check out what card benefits are available right now!◎ Card recommendations by field and age- Find the card that suits you in the areas you use a lot, such as gas, online shopping, OTT discounts, performance discounts, etc.! Additionally, check out recommended credit cards for each age group, such as college students, newbies, and those in their 30s!◎ Credit card income deduction- Credit cards cannot be deducted from income? no! Prepare your year-end tax settlement smartly with these tips for deductible amounts and year-end tax deduction credit card deductions! If youre curious about detailed information on credit card income deductions, check it out in the app!※ This app was created to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.